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Welcome to Mountain Top’s group class registration system!

When you click the brown button to the right, you’ll see a list of classes that are available for registration this semester. You can search for a specific class, or browse all our offerings. You may want to sort the list by start date, or by class name (see the “sort by” button in the upper right corner of the screen). 

When you’ve found the class you want, click “add to cart.” You will see this dialog box: 

Unless you are new to Mountain Top (have never taken a class or attended a concert, and don’t receive our monthly email newsletter), you DO have an account with us, so click on the blue login. To find your login information, click forgot on the next dialog, enter your email, and you’ll receive your information. Be sure to check your spam or junk folder for the email if it doesn’t arrive within 5 minutes. 

Once you have your user name and password, log in, select your class, and follow the prompts! 

As you select classes, be careful that you have the correct family member listed as the student to register:

If you need help, feel free to call the office during our open hours, Mon-Thurs, 10AM – 4PM.  603 447 4737, or email 


Where offered, the Mountain Top CLASS PASS provides a “drop-in” option for selected classes. Your class pass covers attendance at 4 sessions of your choice. You may purchase multiple class passes. 

Please be patient as we work with this system! It will save our registrar a lot of time….